Northland Sports Online

Cloquet To Celebrate Homecoming In The Fall

Sept 19, 2012

Kerry Rodd-NSO

For the first time in many years Cloquet High School will host homecoming during the fall. In the past homecoming has been held during the winter months with coronation of the King and Queen done during a home basketball game. That will no longer be the case.

“About three years ago a group of students came to Shannon Sams and I and asked if we could look at moving homecoming to the fall,” explained Cloquet High School Activities Director Tom Lenarz. “The reasons for the move were many.”

Among reasons cited by Lenarz for the move include; it would go a long way towards creating a stronger sense of school spirit for the beginning of school among both students and the community.

– The better weather would allow for a wider variety of homecoming “activities” for students (Pep fests outside, powder puff football, car smash, class games/competitions, etc…)

– The academic calendar is very full during the winter with state testing, the end of a grading period, etc… This would not be the case in the fall.

– The school has an overload of dances/events going on during the winter season. In addition to Homecoming there is Sno Ball, several other dances, girls hockey playoffs, etc…. again this is not the case in the fall.

– The senior class uses the first dance of the school year as their class fundraiser. This would be a much more profitable venture if it were combined with Homecoming.

After Lenarz presented the idea to the school board, the board asked Lenarz to do a survey of students and staff to find out if it was what the majority of staff and students wanted for homecoming. The answer was a resounding 85% of students and 90% of staff felt it was a better time for homecoming.

“We are really excited about the opportunities that having a fall homecoming provides,” commented Lenarz. “We are looking forward to a great week starting with our Senior vote for the Candidates this Friday and announcing them at the pep fest on Tuesday. Coronation is at halftime of the football game Friday the 28th.”

Festivities will begin at 5:00pm with an old fashioned tailgate party. Families and students can bring their own grill; there will be music, a bean bag toss, and face painting. Another item sure to entertain is an old car was donated to do a car smash.

Kerry Rodd can be reached at

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