Northland Sports Online

Former Lumberjack Kicker To Kick For Graceland University in Iowa

June 27, 2012

Kerry Rodd-NSO

The road to a kicking scholarship has been long and winding for former Cloquet Lumberjack Anthony Wood. Wood, who was asked to come out for football his senior season in high school by fellow Lumberjack Bryan Anderson, recently accepted a scholarship to kick for Graceland University in Lamoni, Iowa.

After kicking for Cloquet in high school Wood was offered a football scholarship in Crookston, but he was not a fan of the school and decided to leave and head to Lake Superior College. Following his second year at the Duluth school things took a turn when he started chatting with Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College coach Keith Turner.

“I transferred to Fond Du Lac Community college to try and get into the nursing program and had passed a couple emails back and forth with Coach Turner and after their fourth game of his first season I came out and the rest is history.”

Eventually Wood was recognized as one of the top kickers in the nation and the interest in his abilities began to pick increase. He finally landed in Iowa when the coach at Graceland saw his name on the list for the Fred Mitchell Award which is given annually to the top kicker in the nation from DII and lower.

Once Wood arrived on the Graceland campus it took just a few seconds for the coaching staff to realize they had a talented kicker with a big leg.

“When I went on the visit to Graceland the coach had me kick to see what I could do because I actually hadn’t planned on pursuing football,” explained Wood. “I hit a 55 yard field in cargo shorts with no warm-up and he walked me to his office and talked scholarship.”

The reason Wood was attracted to the NAIA school was because of their Sports Management degree which he plans on pursuing.

“I will be leaving August 7th to report to camp. We play in a tough conference and the team has had its up and downs but hoping with what sounds like a good recruiting class this team can bring Graceland back,” commented Wood. “I’m extremely excited through all the hard work between school, helping Coach Turner with Athletics, working nights fulltime; and coaching soccer and hockey. I have put in time through very tough times and good times as well.”

Wood has worked as an assistant to coach Turner who doubles as the Athletic Director at FDLTCC and that experience should bode well for him as he makes the transition to Graceland.

“I also have been given a Volleyball scholarship from Graceland, I will not be playing volleyball, but they have put me in charge of marketing, which is a great opportunity that will open doors in the Sports Management world,” explained the former Thunder kicker. “Working as the Assistant Athletic Director the last two years with Keith Turner was the main reason I got the opportunity ahead of me.”

Wood will be leaving soon for camp at Graceland, but his plate has been full leading up to his tryout.

“I just want to thank Archie Clark for allowing me to be on his staff the last two years and be a part of the first state tournament run in boys soccer at Cloquet,” mentioned Wood who was the junior varsity coach for the Lumberjacks. “I also want to thank Coach Turner for everything he has done, there isn’t a more respectable person I have had the honor to work with; and he is a hell of a coach. I wish both the Boys soccer team and the Thunder football team luck this fall!”

Wood will leave on August 7th for training camp to Iowa.

“I will be leaving August 7th to report to camp. We play in a tough conference and the team has had its up and downs but hoping with what sounds like a good recruiting class this team can bring Graceland back!!”

Kerry Rodd can be reached at

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