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Wilderness beats Jets on Pink the Rink Weekend

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Photos by; Heidi Willeck


MN Wilderness’ Lindstrom deadly on offense in 3-1 win against Janesville



Thomas Lindstrom was all over the ice for the MN Wilderness Wilderness, as he tallied two goals in MN Wilderness’ 3-1 win over the Janesville Jets on Pink the Rink Weekend at Northwoords Credit Union Arena.

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Lindstrom found the back of the net 10:27 into the second period to make the score 2-1 MN Wilderness and again while 18:05 into the second to make the score 3-1 MN Wilderness.

The Wilderness were led by goalie Kasimir Kaskisuo, who finished with 26 saves while allowing one goal. The solid play of Kaskisuo will be reflected in his goals against average, which pre-game was 1.18.

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MN Wilderness excelled on the penalty kill, not giving up a single goal in three chances. The Wilderness put 38 shots on net during the contest, more than the 27.1 they average per game.

Billy Exell also scored for MN Wilderness. In addition, MN Wilderness received assists from Lance Carney, John May, Michael Covach, and Nolan Culver, who each chipped in one.

Janesville was led by Drew Callin, who scored the team’s only goal. Callin scored 3:42 into the second period to make the score 1-1. Michael Louria assisted on the tally.

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MN Wilderness totaled 11 minutes in penalty time with three minors and one major and went 0-for-1 on the power play. The Jets’ Brock Kautz stopped 35 shots out of the 38 that he faced. Janesville ended with seven minutes in penalty time with one minor and one major.

The Pink the Rink weekend is raising money for Breast Cancer Research, the Pink jerseys wore by the Wilderness this weekend are up for bid on a silent auction with winners to be determined on Saturday’s match-up with Janesville.

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